Suprisal profile demonstration

In this example, you can see a "surprisal profile" and the corresponding music.
In the beginning, the music is indeed surprising because there are chords, while there were no chords before (the theme is interrupted, the chords are unexpected). Also, the third chord is rather surprising with respect to the first two chords, making the first part surprising overall. Then, the music finds a theme that continues towards the middle; therefore, it becomes less surprising.
In the middle, the style changes to an arpeggio, reflecting the upward jump in the surprisal profile (changing the style is a surprising event). This new style is continued with increasing repetitiveness, which again causes a drop in surprise.

In the following pages, you will be asked to pick the "surprisal profile" that best matches your perception. Focusing on the middle part (whether it jumps upwards/downwards or stays the same) will help you narrow your selection.